Friday, May 5, 2017

North Korea's nuclear bomb in space


 Atomic bomb in space North Korea's plan to disrupt the US

As the Third World War tense is strengthening, there is fear of science fiction about the catastrophic electromagnetic pulse attack.

Some view this as a possible nuclear arsenal in North Korea. Experts have paid attention to how to deal with it in such a situation

As the Cold War between the US and North Korea has grown, the Korean peninsula has increased the tensions in war.

Satellites are the main security tool for the great powers. Specifically, the US missiles are not being offered without Satellites.

The safety of the country will be questioned if the operation of the spy satellite is stopped. The international media reported that the North Korean President has focused on the issue.

However, US scientists and experts have denied this, saying nuclear proliferation expert Geoffrey Lewis said,

"In the past, the tests of such devices have often failed to produce electric discharge.

North Korea may have nuclear weapons. They can be scratched and blasted. However, the exit electromagnetic pulse does not affect their satellites. "

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