Friday, May 12, 2017

The fairytale man who drank urine for years!

The fairytale man who drank urine for years! What's the reason ??

In our world there is no scarcity of the vicinity, because there is no famine for people who are engaged in strange things. Dave, who lives in New York, is the leading city in the world, not only drinks urine but also has his mother drinking urine.


Dave Murphy, from Palestine, Britain, is 54. He has been living urine for the past six years and says he lives healthy

Computer programmer!

Dave is a computer photographer. He has two children. He is working in New York. Last May 2011, he participated in some urine treatments.

Dave started drinking water every day after the discussion. Moreover, he speaks to the viewer with all its advantages.

50 kg body weight reduction

He also said that he had been drinking juice since it was difficult to drink the urine first. He claims to have reduced body weight from 127 kg to 77 kg. That means fifty kilos.

Urine waste !?

People consider urine as waste. But it is absolutely wrong. Dave says urine is cleaner than drinking water. He also noted that many health changes in his body are realized.
It is notable that Dave, now her mother, is undergoing treatment. What Dave says is completely different. The researchers should provide the answer. She said that my mother is now involved in this treatment.

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