What are the 'Top 5' countries that threaten the world with military strength?
It is heartfelt when you think in the dream that this world is broken down by a lump. But if that's true ...?
With the nuclear weapons of India at fifth in nuclear power, this world can be destroyed once.
With the nuclear weapons of the United States, the world can be broken up to 27 million lacs
If you click on the key to total nuclear weapons in the world, the history of this solar system will be destroyed.
This is not only in the Hollywood films so far, but also because of the many deadly weapons we can not even imagine in our dreams.

Why should we keep the weapons that destroy the world by competition?
The world must be brought under its control, "the great powers of the great powers are also developing countries.
The result is that these countries are allocating more funds than agriculture, more funding for military and nuclear weapons.
It's totally wrong. Every country has the importance of the military to protect its country from other countries' attacks.
A country's military build-up makes the country walk in the middle of the world with majesty.
Even though peace is the best weapon, no country is ready to teach peace.
The idea that 'our country must be the only force in the world' is being studied in all countries.
That is why the amount of money allocated to the military is more than the funds allocated for education, medicine and agriculture. No country is exceptional.
Thus, the 'Power of Power is determined by military force'. The great powers are now paying great attention to what countries no longer need to produce nuclear weapons.
The reason is that if he becomes stronger then tomorrow we will try to resist ourselves. The best example of this is the nuclear war between the US and North Korea!
What are the countries in the forefront with the use of nuclear power tools? " Global Fire Power is being conducted every year.
In this regard, the Global Fire Power and Credit Suisse, together with both companies, have taken the view that any country is better at military strength this year.
This poll is calculated by guns, tanks, warplanes, submarines, warships, total military personnel, and military spending.
The details of the five countries that are the first in the survey of 127 countries are:
1. The United States
: America is the only country in the military strength that has been the first in the past. Every year around $ 600 billion is reserved for the military.
There are a total of 14,77,896 soldiers in the US Army. The United States has warned that countries should not prepare nuclear weapons.
But the total number of nuclear weapons that the United States holds over 7,000.
The US has 15,293 fighter jets, 8,848 cannons, 290 warships, 72 submarines and 10 aircraft carriages.
2. Russia
: Russia, which has 8,500 nuclear weapons, is the second country in a strong military build-up.There are a total of 7,66,055 soldiers in the Russian army. There are 15,000 cannons, 4,498 fighter jets, 352 warships, 55 submarines and one aircraft carrier.
Russia is allocating $ 84.5 billion to the military for one year.
3. China
: China is the world's most soldiers in the world. In total there are 23,35,000 soldiers in the Chinese army.The country is being forced to fear other countries as well.
China with 9,150 cannons, 5,048 fighter planes, 714 warships, 67 submarines and one aircraft carrier.
China is spending $ 216 billion annually on military service.
: India is the fourth most powerful military force in India. Annually, the Government of India is allocating about $ 50 billion for the military.
India currently has 6,464 cannons, 2,086 fighter jets, 295 warships, 15 submarines and 2 aircraft carrier warships.
Besides, India has attracted the attention of the world's 13,25,000 soldiers.
: France France is allocating about $ 62.5 billion annually for the military.
With 2,05,000 soldiers, 423 cannons, 1,282 fighter jets, 118 warships, 4 aircraft carrier ships, and fifth in military strength with 10 submarines..
Weapons England, Italy, Germany, Japan and Turkey have their military strength in succession.
No country has explicitly said that we have so much nuclear weapons.
But every country is indirectly preserving their nuclear weapons to the outside world.
Now think about ... if all the nuclear weapons are combined together to blast together ...?